ARTS 250

Project #4: Looping Animation

Created, designed, and animated in Adobe Photoshop

This project was one that I pretty much breezed through. It was not that it was the easiest thing in the world, but it was because I have had previous animation experience and I have had it in Photoshop. It was a pretty straight-forward endeavour for me because as soon as I got the idea, I just started rolling and there was no stopping me. I ended up finishing the project early and, needless to say, I was relatively happy with how it turned out.

The idea behind this project was to make an animation of a character dancing that would seamlessly loop. I would like to think that I was able to accomplish that and, not to mention, that I love watching this little bear dance back and forth on loop on my screen. :)

Project #3: 3 Color Print

Created and designed in Adobe Photoshop

This project was one that I started over and made something I was, at the end, a lot more happy with. Out of all the projects that I have done thus far, I am happy to say that I am proud of this one. The goal of this project was to make a 3 Color Print based off an emotion. To me, emotions stem a lot from colors and then imagery. I decided on the emotion of "content" and to me, that was a brighter color scheme. In CMYK, the colors look a little more orange than they do in this .jpg of the piece, but I was okay with both.

The idea behind this piece was to capture what makes me feel content rather than what made the viewer feel content. Yes, you probably smiled just a little when seeing these happy folks in the piece, but these are people that make me feel content. Taking images of my friends and combining their smiles into one piece was something that I found a lot of peace and "content" in.

Project #2: Digital Collage

Created and designed in Adobe Photoshop

This project I very much struggled with. The hardest part for me was the idea of scanning objects and making them something else. It was not that I did not have ideas of what to do with it, it was that at the end of it all, I did not have the objects that I wanted to scan. The other challenge was that it was supposed to be based off of a dream. Though I have tons of dreams and they are very vivid, they are not always clear and I do not always remember them. I was not too happy with this piece as it did not become what I wanted it to be.

The idea behind this piece was that you were in a landscape that seemed a little bit magical and had a portal that led somewhere else. I think that I was able to capture that it was a landscape, but the challenge was that it did not look too realistic.

Project #1: Digital Self Portrait

Created and designed in Adobe Photoshop

When tackling this project, I think that the hardest thing for me was not to make it cookie-cutter and I think that at the end of it, I sort of did. My easiest thought process to show "duality" was to make it a split-screen view of two different parts of my life. Though I was mostly happy with the final product, I believe that I could have done something a little bit more creative.

The idea behind this piece was that just as there are two halves of my major, there are two halves of my life: Computer Animation and Game Development. On the left of the piece, you will find that Computer Animation with the art style based off of the 1998 Disney Animation Movie Mulan. On the right of the piece, you will find the Game Development side with the art style based off of the 2019 Gearbox game Borderlands 3.
